March 9, 2010

Empowerment in Times of Change

Posted in Baylan Megino, Events, Uncategorized tagged , , , , , , , at 11:28 am by Baylan

I look around today and on the surface I see unemployment, empty storefronts, budget cutbacks, failing companies, foreclosures, crushing debt, monumental natural disasters.

I look deeper and I see opportunities to change what we do for financial support, people opening their own home-based businesses, opportunities to really look at what is essential and hopefully create a stronger foundation from which to support the less fortunate, the transitions of old to make way for the new, the harsh lessons of being over-extended, and finding the ability to help wherever we can, because in the end we are all in this together and we are always, in even the smallest of ways, more fortunate and able to help another.

I see Change. And, yes, at all levels change is necessary to live.  We have to change our physical state to stay alive — breathe, or don’t breathe. We have to change/maintain our environmental state to live — food, clothing, shelter for the basics of living. We have to connect on some level to be reminded of our connection to humanity and perhaps to something larger than ourselves — a touch, a word, a prayer, an affirmation.

We are enriched and expanded when we connect, when we feel a part of a relationship, when we are part of a community. In these situations, we are empowered to be all we are — whether to give or to receive.

(It’s easy to give, isn’t it?  It’s just as important to receive. But that’s for another post.)

We are changing, and the world is changing with us. The earth has shifted its position! New foundations are being set for future generations.

The world is changing, yet certain things remain the same.
Spring follows Winter.
Day follows Night.
A seed becomes a plant, lives, and dies, then is absorbed into the earth to become life in another form.

We are responsible for our own empowerment. Those are fighting words for some, I know. I’ve been part of community work for big chunks of my life, and this has been a piece of wisdom that has been hard to embrace.

Other ways of saying it are, “Take responsibility for your life” and “You create the world you live in”, “You are your thoughts”, and “As above, so below.”

For those who are embroiled in the hard struggles of life, those who are more able are empowered to help.

For those who are able to help, they are empowered to bring the best into the world.

So I ask you:

What is important to you to bring to the world?
What of Life do you want to experience in your life?
How are you showing up?
What are you creating?
What do you want to leave behind for future generations?

Dig deep and find what gems and jewels you have inside. And let us all enjoy your brilliance.