May 22, 2009

Slowly Evolving

Posted in Uncategorized at 12:27 pm by Baylan

Baylan Megino — that’s me.  I’ve been away for several months, reorganizing my life. For some time now I have likened it to “turning the Queen Mary”. Many changes, closings, openings, and really looking at what I have now in each day, each hour, and what I want to do.  We all have choices in every moment.

Looking around me I see the world reorganizing, too.  The elements that we felt were such strong, longstanding, stalwart supports of “how the world is” are changing.  And change is good.  Change is life.  No change is death.

It’s those transition times that are most challenging, those times when little is familiar and we have to learn a new way to navigate the waters.

We are evolving always.  Sometimes it’s hard to remember this long-term perspective.  And sometimes it’s the only thing that gets me through the fog.

Hearing the old aphorisms, the old phrases that guided our parents and their parents, I notice the focus on the need for struggle, on the WORK, on the Sacrifice.  It is a sign of the change in consciousness on this planet now that make these stand out to me.  I understand their meaning, and I wish to revise their approach.

When you walk a path, you set your feet toward a direction.  Often you have a destination in mind.  It is your focus on this destination that relegates the pebbles and dips in the road to a passing spot in the journey.

Yes, that pebble may seem like a rock or even a boulder when you first encounter it.  Yet, when you are there with it, recognize it, know it, and perhaps understand it, then you can be open to receiving its gifts.

” If you fully digest the experience, you will know Yourself better — one of the best gifts of all. ”

Some of us are experiencing dips, some potholes.  Just remember that this too shall pass, and that you are always on the path you have chosen for this leg of your journey.

Several years ago I was with a wise woman/teacher whose life had taken many difficult twists and turns for her to arrive at her current state of peace.  She said to me, “May my way make your way easier”.  Now THAT is a long term view.

So I ask again, what are you focusing on? Whatever it is, try to do what Abraham teaches — Reach for the higher thought.  If you focus on THAT thought, I guarantee you will experience a different quality in your life, and the path will become easier.